Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Classroom is finally ready!!!!

Take it easy on me as this is my very first classroom! I am super excited and I hope the students will be excited as well. This is just for the purpose of Open House. I like to be organized and most of the time you have more than one parent in your room at a time. This gives them a start on where to put things while they wait for me.
View from my teacher's corner/ guided reading area. Don't look at the top of my cabinets. I'm still waiting to see what all I need to keep and what I need to get rid of from the previous teacher.
Guided Reading table
My Library :)
From the door

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Thrilled in 1st Grade!

I have been a busy bee! I am so excited to be in first grade! I decided to go with a Seuss inspired classroom because I love colors and patterns! It is impossible for me to choose just one! I had four days to sew and get the classroom arranged and cleaned up before I left to finish the journey of moving. Here are pics of what I have done so far.

One week until the night before school!

I am super excited that the time is getting near to begin school. I think my classroom is set up the way I want it. I am sure there will be many things that I have to change once the kids enter! We have open house this Thursday! I will be posting pictures this week. I just need to tidy up the last minute things and cross my fingers that this new internet provider will upload them. I LOVE being in the country but, the internet is sooooooo slow.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Countdown is on!

It is officially less than 2 weeks before school starts. Hang in there as w e just found out that where we live there isn't a decent internet provider. So, we have chosen to go without. I will be posting more when I have wi-fi available and it will be from my cell. This means there will be tons of grammatical errors and spell check fights. Off to bed since I have another long day prepping my room.