Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Seven more days of school!

It is official, we have seven more days of school. This is a very emotional time of year for everyone in the classroom. The students are excited to be out but don't want to say goodbye. The teachers are ready to be out but don't want to say goodbye to their class. Everyone is running on steam! The hugs grow from two a day from each student to about ten a day. Did I mention they constantly tell you how beautiful and great you are? Who doesn't like to be told those things? I found a cute idea, on Pinterest of course, to pop balloons for each day as a countdown. I always choose a student who had exceptional behavior. Yea, yea, we have to do anything we can to encourage good behavior at the end of the year. Every student turns into "Chatty Kathy" and the "Energizer Bunny".I had a mom/coworker who is full of creative ideas and she asked if I put anything in them. Ahhhh! Why didn't I think of that? Next year we will add something fun to the inside!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Field Day 2014

Field day is a day that our school puts on for fun at the end of the school year. This year was the first time to have competitions for ribbons. It was so much fun trying out and competing against fellow first graders. After all of their hard work they had a fun day of play. It was full of tug-o-war, face painting, bouncy houses, OH MY! :) We also had some amazing high school volunteers to help with our classes. I will have to say I'm pretty partial to the ones that we had and they were great with the kids. So, enjoy the pictures because we enjoyed making them.